Sustainability Story

A Letter from our CEO

스튜디오드래곤 CEO, 김영규, 김제현

Dear all, Following our vision “A Premium Storyteller Group that Captivates the World with Endless Stories,” Studio Dragon came to where we are as a leader in the industry to drive K-dramas to the forefront of global entertainment. In the first quarter of 2023, a notable achievement was observed with our dramas, a 13% share of worldwide viewership.

Studio Dragon is committed to raise awareness of environmental, social, and governance issues and create values in our society with our dramas such as <Our Blues>, <Alchemy of Souls>, <Juvenile Justice>, and <The Glory>. In recognition of the significance of corporate sustainability that considers both financial and non-financial impacts, Studio Dragon has established the best practices in the industry to integrate business models with sustainability. With the ESG mission of “Creating a More Valuable World through Premium Storytelling,” sustainability management projects have been actively rolled out since 2022.

Our dedication goes beyond as we commit to respecting the human rights and well-being of all stakeholders in the planning and production environment of our dramas, promoting a good place to work, and improving the labor conditions across the drama content industry. We continue to strive to ensure every cooperating entity including production houses, prop suppliers, lighting companies actively adheres to the safety management process and ensure everyone works in a safe and accident-free system with our Basic Safety Rules campaign.

With the growing demand for ethical management and fair trade practices in the media industry, we will keep our focus on meeting the needs of investors and stakeholders to mitigate the potential risks and contribute to create a positive perception on the media industry.

To address the climate change and environment issues, Studio Dragon has been recycling and reusing our resources from the drama planning and production process, such as set waste. ISO 14001 certification and greenhouse gas emissions inventory establishment manifest our dedication to a comprehensive Environmental Management System to closely monitor and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

All of us in this process including our Board of Directors, Management, and employees will work together and do our best to make our Studio Dragon sustainable.

Lastly, on behalf of Studio Dragon, I would like to sincerely thank you all for working with us as we are grateful for your belief in Studio Dragon through the difficult times. Studio Dragon would like to cordially invite you to join our journey as we create more sustainability values to transform our society through content with our continuous endeavor to overcome challenges for changes.

Warm regards, CEO, Studio Dragon June 30, 2023

  • Jey Hyun Kim

Our Sustainability Philosophy

Approach to Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Management Mission

Creating a Valuable World through Premium Storytelling

The mission of Studio Dragon is to create valuable content that will have a worldwide impact, fostering positive societal change and maximizing social value.
Thus, we have identified core areas for sustainability. Studio Dragon will actively communicate with our stakeholders through producing notable outcomes and systematic execution.

Sustainability Management Structure and Decision-Making


Studio Dragon has established a sustainability management government structure in 2022 to achieve its sustainability management goals, manage performance and achievement, and implement continuous, integrated, and proactive sustainability risk management. It established the Sustainability Management Committee under the Board of Directors (the highest decision-making body), and the Committee is responsible to decide and deliberate on Studio Dragon's sustainability management strategy system and policies. The dedicated department and the working group for sustainable management are responsible for implementing sustainable management strategies and promoting with business-aligned sustainable management activities. In addition, Studio Dragon is creating and executing sustainability management strategies that are consistent with CJ Group’s sustainable management direction.

Sustainability Management Structure and Decision-Making

*As of May 31, 2023

Communication and Engagement with Stakeholders

Studio Dragon acknowledges the necessity of consistent two-way communication with internal and external stakeholders for sustainable growth across all aspects in company operations. We have identified customers, employees, investors, partners, media, and the local community as our key stakeholders, and have been running diverse channels of communication customized to different stakeholder groups, disclosing information and performance related to sustainable management, and actively listens to the voices of stakeholders.


  • Studio Dragon Website
  • Studio Dragon SNSS
  • Customer Centers of each Platform
  • Press Release
  • Content Influence
  • Content Quality
  • Viewer Communication and Opinion Gathering
  • Viewer Rights Protection and Dispute Resolution


  • Intranet-CEO Message, Bulletin Board, Discussion Board, Suggestion Board, etc.
  • Labor-Management Committee
  • Cyber Audit Office
  • Group Intranet Broadcasting (Channel CJ) and Newsletter (NI:M)
  • Quarterly Consultation Council
  • Company-wide Sharing Meeting with CEO
  • Horizontal Corporate Culture
  • Respect for Human Rights and Safe Working Environment
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Employee Growth and Personal Development
  • Equal Opportunities and Performance Evaluation


  • Shareholders’ Meeting
  • Regular and Ad Hoc Disclosures
  • Earning Release Conference Calls
  • Corporate Visits
  • Studio Dragon Website
  • Business Performance and Future Growth Strategies
  • Policies for Enhancing Shareholder Value
  • Investment Plans and Financial Stability
  • ESG Strategy


  • Contact Us
  • Disclosure Documents
  • Cyber Audit Office
  • Fair Trade Contracts
  • Collaborative Growth
  • Collaboration and Communication with Partners
  • Human Rights Protection, Ethical Management, and Fair Trade
  • Transaction Management System


  • Press Release
  • Meetings
  • Studio Dragon Website
  • CJ Newsroom, SNS
  • Group Intranet broadcasting (Channel CJ) and Newsletter (NI:M)
  • Proactive Participation in Key Policies
  • Compliance With Laws and
  • Regulations Anti-Corruption and Compliance
  • Transparent and Prompt Communication


  • Studio Dragon Website
  • CJ Welfare Foundation and CJ Cultural Foundation Websites
  • CJ Donors Camp
  • Volunteer Activities
  • Social Contribution
  • Boosting Local Community Economy
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Environmental Protection
  • Creating Shared Values