The mission of Studio Dragon is to create valuable content that will have a worldwide impact, fostering positive societal change and maximizing social value.
Thus, we have identified core areas for sustainability. Studio Dragon will actively communicate with our stakeholders through producing notable outcomes and systematic execution.
Studio Dragon has established a sustainability management government structure in 2022 to achieve its sustainability management goals, manage performance and achievement, and implement continuous, integrated, and proactive sustainability risk management. It established the Sustainability Management Committee under the Board of Directors (the highest decision-making body), and the Committee is responsible to decide and deliberate on Studio Dragon's sustainability management strategy system and policies. The dedicated department and the working group for sustainable management are responsible for implementing sustainable management strategies and promoting with business-aligned sustainable management activities. In addition, Studio Dragon is creating and executing sustainability management strategies that are consistent with CJ Group’s sustainable management direction.
Studio Dragon acknowledges the necessity of consistent two-way communication with internal and external stakeholders for sustainable growth across all aspects in company operations. We have identified customers, employees, investors, partners, media, and the local community as our key stakeholders, and have been running diverse channels of communication customized to different stakeholder groups, disclosing information and performance related to sustainable management, and actively listens to the voices of stakeholders.