ESG Ratings

Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS)’s ESG ratings

The Korea Institute of Corporate Governance and Sustainability (KCGS) provides ESG ratings of support listed companies in the Korean capital market. Below is the ESG ratings of Studio Dragon Corporation.

Areas 2021 2022 2023
ESG Ratings B C B+
Environment D C B+
Social B+ B A
Governance B+ C B+

MSCI's ESG Ratings

Since 1999, MSCI has been evaluating ESG ratings of listed companies around the world every year, assigning grades ranging from CCC to AAA. Below is the MSCI ESG rating results for Studio Dragon Corporation.

Areas 2022 2023 2024
ESG Ratings - CCC BB

MorningStar’s ESG Risk Ratings

MorningStar’s Sustainalytics, founded in 1992, provides global corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk ratings. Below is the ESG risk ratings of Studio Dragon Corporation.

Areas 2022 2023 2024
ESG Ratings - Low Risk Low Risk
ESG Risk - 17.3 16.2

ESG Codes of Practice

ESG Codes of Practice Status Note
Corporate Governance Charter O
Code of Ethics O
Implementation of Manual Voting System X
Cumulative Voting X
Board Composition (Director Requirement) O Legal requirement (25%) satisfied
Organization of Compensation Committee X
Organization of Audit Committee X
Organization of Independent Director Nominating Committee O
Operating Guidelines for the Board and Committees O On the website
Directors’ Liability Insurance with the Company’s Coverage O
Disclosure of Board and Committee Activities O On the website
Disclosure of ESG Evaluation Results O On the website
Comparison with the Codes of Practice from KCGS O On the website